What Are They Thinking? Mark Thompson and The Year 2020 Challenge

Related column: The Thinking (and Dollars) Behind The New York Times’ New Digital Strategy.   Does Mark Thompson have 20/20 vision, or, perhaps better asked, does Mark Thompson have a vision of 2020? As the New York Times shared very ...

Newsonomics: The Thinking (and Dollars) Behind The New York Times’ New Digital Strategy

It was a quiet manifesto — an 11-page document that unofficially serves as The New York Times’ follow-up to the much dissected Innovation Report (Nieman Lab’s story about the Innovation Report is the most popular story in its history) of May ...

What Are They Thinking? Gerry Baker on WSJ Pro’s Mile-Deep, Inch-Wide Strategy

There are the pros and then there are the Pros. What separates them is about $2,000 a year. That’s the price of the Wall Street Journal’s maiden WSJ Pro product – this one on central banking – and the four to six to be launched by end of the ...

What Are They Thinking? NBC-U and The ‘Digital Dozen’ Seek Perpetual Youth

Consider them Ponce de Leon investments. Just as the Spanish explorer trawled Florida for the Fountain of Youth 500 years ago, NBC-Universal and its peers are now embarking on expensive voyages to seek a solution to aging and death, investing in ...

Newsonomics: Why Native Apps Still Matter in the Age of Distribution

Does a brand still mean anything in news? Ezra Klein bubbled up a provocative question and raised some good points in his recent piece “Is the media becoming a wire service?” In the Age of Distribution, the news body seems destined to be ...