What Are They Thinking? Gerry Baker on WSJ Pro’s Mile-Deep, Inch-Wide Strategy

There are the pros and then there are the Pros. What separates them is about $2,000 a year. That’s the price of the Wall Street Journal’s maiden WSJ Pro product – this one on central banking – and the four to six to be launched by end of the ...

What Are They Thinking? NBC-U and The ‘Digital Dozen’ Seek Perpetual Youth

Consider them Ponce de Leon investments. Just as the Spanish explorer trawled Florida for the Fountain of Youth 500 years ago, NBC-Universal and its peers are now embarking on expensive voyages to seek a solution to aging and death, investing in ...

Newsonomics: Why Native Apps Still Matter in the Age of Distribution

Does a brand still mean anything in news? Ezra Klein bubbled up a provocative question and raised some good points in his recent piece “Is the media becoming a wire service?” In the Age of Distribution, the news body seems destined to be ...

Newsonomics: 10 Numbers on The New York Times’ 1 million Digital-Subscriber Milestone

If, half a decade ago, you’d been able to put money down in Vegas on The New York Times’ chances of reaching 1 million digital subscribers by 2015, what kind of odds could you have gotten? Longer than longshot. In 2010, when the Times announced ...