What Are They Thinking? NBC-U and The ‘Digital Dozen’ Seek Perpetual Youth

Consider them Ponce de Leon investments. Just as the Spanish explorer trawled Florida for the Fountain of Youth 500 years ago, NBC-Universal and its peers are now embarking on expensive voyages to seek a solution to aging and death, investing in and buying into the newest media. Their profound ...

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The Newsonomics of the Millennial Moment

The new wave of news sites all look like they do different things. Vox attracts those drawn to the populist wonkiness of explainer journalism. BuzzFeed entertains those attracted by its mix of addictive animal videos and a growing news report. Vice entrances with adventurous, less-filtered news ...

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The Newsonomics of Targeted TV

First published at Nieman Journalism Lab We watch a conveyor belt of passing numbers, moving faster and faster. A few stand out and capture our imagination. The passing of print advertising in the U.S. has caught everyone’s attention in the last month (though we saw that passage in the U.K. two ...

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