The Newsonomics of Climbing the Ad Food Chain

Digital advertising is all about technology in 2013, and you’ll see lots of talk of the ad-tech stack, and who owns it. Google, of course, owns much of it, through its successive AdWords/Doubleclick/AdMob and more creations, acquisitions and integrations. Its stack is so efficient that many ...

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FT Declares Independence (from Apple) Day

It sounds like a dream come true: cut costs and maintain control of the business. The risk: What will the FT -- which won't be selling digital subscriptions through Apple's stores -- miss out on? What about the lead generation Apple's 200 million registered (with credit cards on file) users can ...

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FT Direct Syndication Model Offers Lessons

The FT made a significant break from traditional practice by reclaiming control of its licensing activities. At that point, it said that building and growing direct customer relationships, rather than indirectly licensing via aggregators, was a top goal.

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Paid Content: You Can’t Tell the Players Without a Scorecard

If you've actually looked at your cable bill lately, you know it's undecipherable. Cablevision -- owner of Newsday -- could peg any amount it wanted to Newsday value, call it an information access charge or whatever, and attribute the money to ..... Newsday. Sound familiar, maybe a bit like, ...

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