The Newsonomics of Content Arbitrage

Is there a danger in content arbitrage? It’s value-neutral; it’s all in how you do it. Let’s remember that journalism is essentially a manufacturing process, with as much or as little value added as we want.

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The New PI: A Quick Interview with Michelle Nicolosi

A lot of ideas come from looking at all the cool new tools that are constantly being developed, and sitting back and thinking, ‘hmm, how can I use that?’ Google Reader inspired me to ask some of our staffers to start creating "what I'm reading" headline lists that we surface on their blogs. ...

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Online-Only PI: 22…..and the Rest, Skidoo

Let's figure there are 44,000 journalists left in US newsrooms, an up-to-date tally hard to keep up with. So, if the industry magically flipped that switch tomorrow, we've got an estimate of how many online-only published could pay: 6600 journalists, and that's at the optimistic 15% number. Of ...

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Nine Questions: Flipping the PI, NY’s 4 Dailies, Re-Kindling Women Readers, Talking USAToday, Journalistic Deviance and More!

8) Will the Post-Intelligencer Flip the Switch in Seattle? You know, go online-only. (Is online the onliest medium?) With Hearst's Ken Riddick and the PI's Michelle Nicolosi working through the what-ifs, we may have a new, great test to watch. We’d be able to compare the online PI to the ...

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