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April 15, 2024

The Quote

“Conventional wisdom says the Internet is making information more widely available, but that it also may be reducing the quality of that information and the number of people—journalists—paid to produce it. But if the professional/consumer model moves further into the news business, perhaps something close to the opposite will be true: more high-quality information will exist, and it will be produced by more well-trained and well-compensated journalists. But their work will be available—first and in the greatest detail—to the small group of people able to pay a lot of money for it”.  —  Chrystia Freeland, “The Rise of Private News”

Worth reading Freeland’s summer Columbia Journalism story again, as we see private news — e-newsletters of all kinds — supplying much employment in journalism, from Politico to Bloomberg to National Journal to GigaOMPro.

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