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April 28, 2024

Newspapers: Acute, Chronic or on Hospice

You gotta like media analysis that starts with The Simpsons.

This week, Matthew Schwartz, senior editor of ScribeMedia interviewed me, on the trials and tribulations of the news industry. His intro:

"In an episode of The Simpsons (that takes place in the not-too-distant
future) local- news anchor Kent Brockman is delivering his nightly
report. It’s apparent that the TV station has a new owner; Brockman’s
‘over-the-shoulder’ image reads something like, ‘CNNCBSNBCABC.’ It’s
another brilliant stroke by The Simpsons’ creators, predicting mass
mergers among some of the major media brands".

We touched on tipping points, newspaper valuations, best practices and the question — unresolved — of if the newspaper industry were in the hospital it would be on the acute, chronic or hospice floor. 

Here’s the link, part of Matthew’s "Print to Digital" series.