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April 26, 2024

ProPublica's Investigative Index

ProPublica has built quite a reputation for itself, in it short life. Its own work — from the privatization of higher education to rogue nurses to BP’s unreported pollutions has put it on the map. In addition, it also offers a handy index of the aptly named “Investigations Elsewhere.” Pulling from sources as diverse as the Wall Street Journal, Parade and Mothers Jones, and including major dailies around the country, it’s a great showcase, and check-in on the state of longer-form investigative pieces. We see a half dozen new pieces added daily.

Yes, budget cuts have hurt the form, but it’s getting new life — witness the energy brought by ProPublica, the Center for Public Integrity and Center for Investigative Reporting, among others — that’s extending back to major dailies. The partnerships with the foundation-funded national investigative groups has helped, as has the determination of those heading certain newsrooms and investigative pros, doing the work, even as their papers are challenged seemingly on every front.

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