Newsonomics: Here Are 20 Epiphanies For The News Business Of The 2020s

It is the best of times for The New York Times — and likely the worst of times for all the local newspapers with Times (or Gazette or Sun or Telegram or Journal) in their nameplates across the land. When I spoke at state newspaper conferences five or ten years ago, people would say: “It’ll... ...

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Forget Newspapers’ Local-Local: Think Location, Location, Location

Hard as it may be to believe, we may have entered a new rocky period for newspaper companies. It would be a period in which the real estate on which they sit determines their market value. Consequently, their real estate value may determine who wants to sell the newspaper property and who wants ...

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Paid Content: You Can’t Tell the Players Without a Scorecard

If you've actually looked at your cable bill lately, you know it's undecipherable. Cablevision -- owner of Newsday -- could peg any amount it wanted to Newsday value, call it an information access charge or whatever, and attribute the money to ..... Newsday. Sound familiar, maybe a bit like, ...

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