The Myths of Murdoch: Real, Unreal and Surreal

Please, don't tell me we're "all guilty," in the U.S., as well. We've heard a lot of citing of ABC's checkbook journalism controversy with the litany of crimes apparently committed by those calling themselves journalists. Treading on society's victims lives, paying off police for years and ...

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13 Questions on the Murdoch, News Corp Scandal

Who knew what and when did they know it? This is no longer hacking-the-royals affair, but a major criminal case. So the questions, up and down the News Corp/News International (parent of all UK newspapers) becomes which execs knew what, when. That's from Rebekah Brooks to Rupert Murdoch ...

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The Murdoch Fall-Out: BSkyB, U.S. Cross-Ownership and the Future of News Corp’s News Holdings

For Americans, it's a bit tough to understand. Where does NOTW fit in? How does the BSkyB acquisition figure into this? Is Murdoch's power much different in UK than the U.S.? And: are there any implications for what happens with News Corp properties in the U.S.? That last question became newly ...

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